Autreppes Église Saint-Hilaire
Église Saint-Hilaire Autreppes
Where to find this church
Church Information
Église Saint-Hilaire is located in Autreppes, a commune with 180 inhabitants about 9 km north-west of the commune of Vervins in the Département Aisne in the région Hauts-de-France.
It was first built in 1632.
The church is open daily fom 9 am
This church was listed as a historical monument in 1987
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Visiting Église Saint-Hilaire
This is the second of the Thiérache churches we visited on our first short tour of the region. It opens daily at 9 am, which we noticed because we were there too early and it was still locked. But then a gentleman came and opened it.
A first church probably existed on this site in the 15th century, but the current church we see today was consecrated in 1632, and rebuilt in the 19th century. It was built in solid brick with glazed brick decoration in the form of a Latin cross on a sandstone base.
Two round towers flank the rectangular four-storey keep to the west, built into the western part of the nave. At the top of the front, which is pierced by arrowslits, two stone corbels recall the presence of an ancient machicolation. In one of the towers, a spiral staircase leads up to a shelter in the attic, the peculiarity of which is that it still contains a fireplace that the villagers used in the past for heating and cooking.
As in 1651, when the Duke of Wintemberg, on his return from Vervins, where he was unable to take the town, took revenge out of spite on the surrounding villages where his troops had bivouacked during the following nights. Autreppes was among them, as was Sorbais or Étréaupont. Unfortunately, these premises are not open to visitors.
Inside, the church has a very beautiful atmosphere; it has stained glass from 1961 signed by Melle de Troeyer, Reims.