Église Saint-Rémi

What you need to know about this church

Église Saint-Rémi

Where to find this church

Church Information

Église Saint-Rémi is located in Logny-lès-Aubenton, a small village with 79 inhabitants in the Département Aisne about 15 km south-east of the town of Hirson in the Département Aisne in the région Hauts-de-France.

The church is usually locked

This church was listed as a historical monument in 1989

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Logny-lès-Aubenton Église Saint-Rémi
West front

Visiting Église Saint-Rémi

The church of Saint-Rémi in Logny-Les-Aubenton is one of the smaller churches among the fortified churches in the region. A first church was already built in the 13th century. From that time, the church has preserved its medieval chancel in limestone, decorated on the outside with a pretty cornice with corbels.

The nave and the tower, which stands to the right of the entrance portal, were then built in brick from 1688, at a time when the great wave of fortifications in the Thiérache was already coming to an end.

Traces of embrasures can still be seen on the nave, although most of them have now been bricked up. However, they testify to the fortified character of the building.

Finally, in the 18th and 19th centuries, some minor alterations were made.

Inside, Saint-Rémi has a rare and beautiful coffered ceiling. But unfortunately the church has very limited opening hours, so we were unable to see it: it is only open at weekends in July and August.

Logny-lès-Aubenton Église Saint-Rémi