Fontaine-lès-Vervins Église Saint-Martin

What you need to know about this church

Église Saint-Martin Fontaine-lès-Vervins

Where to find this church

Church Information

Église Saint-Martin is located in Fontaine-lès-Vervins, a commune with 892 inhabitants about 2 km north of Vervins in the Département Aisne in the région Hauts-de-France.

The church is locked

This church was partially listed as a historical monument in 1927

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Fontaine-lès-Vervins Église Saint-Martin

Visiting Église Saint-Martin

Parts of the nave of the church of Saint-Martin in Fontaine-lès-Vervins date back to the 11th century. It was originally built of sandstone quarry stones, but all the altered parts are made of brick. Therefore, it is very easy to see in this church which parts were subsequently rebuilt or added to.

In front of the nave is a square keep, the corners of which are supported by double buttresses supporting two bay-shaped turrets. Traces of embrasures and machicolations can be seen in the upper part. Inside the watchtower, above the door, there is a stone with the date 1623, probably a date of repair. The tower is crowned with a very pretty slate spire.

Unfortunately, the church seems to be always locked, so we could not take any photos inside. And no further information about the church can be found.

Church from the south