Renneval Église Notre-Dame

What you need to know about this church

Église Notre-Dame Renneval

Where to find this church

Church Information

Église Notre-Dame is located in Renneval, a small village with 111 inhabitants about 6 km north of Montcornet in the Département Aisne in the région Hauts-de-France.

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This church was listed as a historical monument in 1927

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Renneval Église Notre-Dame
Fortified chancel

Visiting Église Notre-Dame

Notre-Dame in Renneval is particularly interesting for its fortified chancel. The church is built entirely of white limestone, and sits on a large central square that rises slightly above the village. From the original church, the simple Romanesque nave and the round arch of the entrance portal with an oculus remain from the 12th century.

The fortification of the church then took place in the 16th century, and concentrated in particular on the five-sided chancel. On the upper floor there was an escape room with embrasures and machicolations. Two cylindrical towers complete the defensive system of the choir. These are also littered with embrasures.

If you want to see the church from the inside, a note points to a house near the church; a villager will open the church for you, although it is not very spectacular inside.

Renneval Église Notre-Dame
View into the chancel