Fligny Eglise Saint-Étienne

What you need to know about this church

Église Saint-Étienne Fligny

Where to find this church

Church Information

Église Saint-Étienne is located in Fligny, a small village with 177 inhabitants in the Département Ardennes in the region Grand Est.

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Church from north-west

Visiting Église Saint-Étienne

Built of ochre-coloured stone, the small and massive church of Saint-Etienne in Fligny looks like a bulwark on its slightly elevated site in the middle of the village.

The first church in the village was destroyed as early as 1340, and after being rebuilt it was set on fire twice by imperial troops in 1521 and by troops of the Prince of Orange in 1555. After these bad experiences, it was finally fortified in 1570, and reinforced again at the end of the 17th century.

A tower supported the defence of the church at its head end; this tower was later shortened. Through it one reaches the escape room above the choir. Numerous embrasures can still be seen in the walls, which were reinforced with wrought-iron anchors and tie rods.

Inside, the church has a very beautiful atmosphere, although no particularly spectacular sights.
