Aouste Église Saint-Remi
Église Saint-Remi Aouste
Where to find this church
Church Information
Église Saint-Remi is located in Aouste, a small village with 205 inhabitants in the Département Ardennes in the region Grand Est.
The church is open
This church was listed as a historical monument in 1922
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Visiting Église Saint-Remi
The village of Aouste (pronounced A-oot) was completely destroyed several times in the 17th century: in 1635 by the troops of the Austrian general Rantzau, who was allied with Spain, in 1638 by the “Bourguignons”, as the imperials were called, and in 1652 by troops from Lorraine who had broken with the French crown.
From the first church of Saint-Rémi, built in the 15th century, a beautiful portal in the Flamboyant Gothic style is still preserved; the plant sculptures on the vaults are still very visible.
Fortification then took place in several waves during the 16th and early 17th centuries.
The bretèche supported by four corbels and the machicolations above the entrance are in remarkably good condition. On the left side of the building is a three-storey square escape tower with embrasures, connected to the west façade by a first tower in which there is a spiral staircase. This leads to the escape room on the upper floor. Unfortunately, this is not accessible to the public, but it is of imposing size.
The combination of these three elements of religious and military architecture – portal, fortified bay and keep – gives the entire façade its elegant yet martial appearance.
A remarkable five-sided choir adorns the east. The whole is adorned by a delicate cornice with modillions, small supporting elements regularly arranged under the cornice.
The interior appears rather modest with its late Gothic interior. Worth seeing is the marble main altar with Corinthian columns supporting a canopy.